Hear me?
I'm in this case, and its dark
for as long as you didn't feel and see
saline recalls, dry instincts mark
My skin is cold and rugged,
it will melt anytime,
memory is lucid, sleek
It slips on another dime
Recounting how far its been
all the while, and space unseen
silence so colloquial, fear is numb
moisture seeping in, I try to stop its hum
I owe you nothing, not a rupee
Not another bombshell, not a canopy,
you made your business, done your deals,
no more you play master, chase on my heels,
This case gets too tight now,
let my body melt and seep out,
And then I will burst out of this close
of darkness and shout
Near the stream, is that torch
I would hold it, and cross,
as the evening fall,
would move on without a call,
lips soften, peace won,
This night wraps me into its don
black water flow unblurred
carrying my lamplight, in its guard